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"It has been a pleasure to be part of the growth and progress you have made Anson, you are such a fantastic mystery. I am very proud of you! Thanks for all of the laughs! Wishing the best for you always."

--Tyra Sellers, JD, MA, BCABA

"Anson has been one of my favorite students. He has a lot to say and a quirky sense of humor. He is becoming a mature young man. I know he will do well in college."

--Lydia MacKay, MA, CCC-SLP

"Working with Anson has been an enriching experience. Speech is his last class for the day but when he works with me, Anson gives me 100% attention. He does his speech activities as if he is just starting his day. In my fifteen years of practice, the people I have worked with and their families have written notes or said things which are truly heart-warming. But when Anson told me he likes working with me because...'I want to learn how to speak better. I want to have more friends. I want more people to listen to me.'-- that was the ultimate tear-jerker. Having this opportunity to work with students like Anson is a blessing--a privilege one will cherish forever. It's such a rewarding experience...a priceless one indeed."

--Amee V. Evangelista, M.S., CCC-SLP

"I enjoyed your web site very much, particularly your art and proficiency at lego and k'nex. I am very proud of you."


"When one thinks of a good student one thinks of a student who is focused, hardworking and open to learning new material. Those are certainly the qualities that have been shown by Anson Manning. He has accomplished many art projects including painting, drawing, watercolor, and Japanese water fountain creation. His attention to detail is most impressive and his abilities are equal to any advanced art student at El Cerrito High School. Anson is a smiling face that has inhabited my art room for 4 years. He is always working and inventing new projects from original ideas. He influences students who observe and interact with him to do the best they can possibly do. He has been an example to all who has come in contact with him. I have watched him mature and grow in his abilities during his time in my art room. The care he gives to each project and his interaction with me and other students have been a marvel to watch. I will have a hard time finding another student who has enjoyed being in my room as much as Anson and a student who has produced so much quality art. I look forward to viewing his future creations and watching him mature at the college level. My art room will truly be a more empty space without him here. I wish him good fortune in his future."

--Steven J. Temple
Senior Art Instructor

"You have grown to be a wonderful young man-- I am so proud of you!"

--Cathy Quides, PNP

"Hey! Art was so much fun. You always made me laugh. 'Gobble Gobble!!' You're such an awesome person. Don't ever forget me and the good times we had."

Your Buddy--Mark Harrington

"I consider myself so blessed and privileged to have known Anson all these years, since 1992 when I first met him during his first round of auditory training in Oregon. Since then, I have watched him grow into this very mature adult and handsome young man. We have shared many good times together, and I knew he was very talented from the very beginning when I first saw his drawings, and then his lego building. I figured he would either become an architect, or an artist, well now it is evident he will be the artist. I've considered him a gifted artist and master builder. His oil and acrylic paintings phenomenal, with his very sophisticated use of color and composition, some of his work reminding me of some of the famous abstract expressionist painters like Kandinsky and Gustav Klimpt, his depiction of animals most impressive. I especially admired looking at his zebras, leopard and tiger paintings, and his abstract art is equally impressive. Me, the fellow artist and Godmother of Anson salute and congratulate him with honors, his art really is inspirational, I implore him to keep up the good work, and I'm so glad he has found his passion and career choice in the arts as I have, I'm eagerly awaiting and much anticipating his future body of work as he works his way through college, I am so very proud of Anson in all his many accomplishments since I have known him, I love my Godson Anson, who has blossomed into this beautiful flower of an artist and great companion, he really is a true gentleman and his language is art."

--Georgiana Thomas

"Wow! Those paintings are wonderful. Anson, my favorites are the Bee, Water Lillies, Stormy Weather, and the self portrait. I think the Water Lillies is my very favorite."

--Hank W. Bass, Ph. D.

"I remember "meeting" Anson through his art, including some elevator pictures. I was then lucky enough to come work with Anson and his computer, coming by his school in Alameda for a while. Anson, I'm sure you taught me more than I taught you, -- that is, that we as teachers need to be really open-minded to the wide variety of ways our students learn and express themselves, and then find ways for students to pursue their unique talents and passions. I also learned a lot from your mom about going after what you want, but doing it with class. Hmmm... I've never met another mom who brought so much sushi to the teachers or so many beautiful pictures, photos and delicious pies to our meetings! Sometimes, a meeting can get all focused on paperwork and policies, but when we started with those wonderful pictures you'd made, it was much harder to forget why we were there in the first place. I often tell that story to other parents who are trying to help their own kids get the best out of school. I'm amazed that you've graduated from high school! Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't doubt your determination, but is it really possible that so much time has passed??? When I looked through your portfolio on your web site, I can see it has. I especially like the self portrait you made with the Cal hat and your cool smile. That's a smile I remember well."

--Kirsten Haugen

"Way to go Anson you have become a really great artist."

Lots of love--Sally Sabbagha

"Looks like Anson is doing really well and he looks great too. The website is really well put together. It really speaks to who Anson is and what he’s about. I am really glad I got to be a part of his life."

Best Regards--Kevin Kleinfeld

"I am a good friend of your Mom's at college. You website is excellent, outstanding, stellar!!!! Thank you for sharing your work with all of us. I know your Mom is proud of you, and I am proud to know you and your art work."

Fondly--Dr. Beverly Smith

"Bill and I looked at all the pictures from your life. We are glad that we have been a part of your life. I hear that you talk about us often. Well, we talk about you too. We especially remember our adventures on Amtrak. Happy 21st birthday next week. You have grown up very well, do beautiful art work, have many friends and a loving family. Life IS good."

Love--Bill and Debbie Collins

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All images © Anson Manning

Web Site Design by Eric Manning